What is an Ectomorph?
The ectomorph is one of the three most common body types (somatotypes), characterized by a "thin frame" and difficulty to gain muscle mass as well as fat. People that belong to this somatotype are usually skinny, lean and have a high metabolic rate.
Characteristics of the Ectomorph Body
Studies have shown that when strength training, the ectomorph body produces low levels of myogenin, which limits their capacity to build muscle mass. This protein is essential for the development of functional skeletal muscle.
Training Guidelines
Most of the training should revolve around the big basic moves: squats, bench press, shoulder press, deadlift, and chin ups. Compound exercises performed with moderate to heavy weights and repetitions in the range of 5-8 will activate multiple joints and larger muscle groups.
Nutrition Guidelines
The amount of protein consumed per day should be in the range of 1 – 1.5 grams per LB of body weight. The amount of carbs should be anywhere around 2 grams per LB up to 4 grams per LB of body weight.